
Showing posts from April, 2020


30 APRIL 2020 HEAT BLOG 3               CLASS 7 SCIENCE  Good morning class.Thank you for logging in, this is the third blog on the chapter  HEAT.  Hope you went through yesterdays concepts and are thorough with them. I MPORTANT- KINDLY MARK YOUR  ATTENDANCE  ON THIS BLOG WITH A GREETING. DO NOT FORGET TO MENTION YOUR NAME AND ROLL NUMBER. You will need :  A SINGLE LINED NOTEBOOK WHICH IS NEATLY COVERED. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE USED THE INDEX AND WRITTEN TODAY'S DATE. THE NOTEBOOK WILL BE EVALUATED SO KINDLY MAKE SURE YOU DO ALL YOUR WORK NEATLY. At the end of this lesson you will be able to  Enlist the features of the Celsius scale Enlist and explain the different parts of a lab thermometer. Explain how to use a lab thermometer LET'S BEGIN  A FEW POINTS ABOUT THE CELSIUS SCALE Was designed by Anders Celsius  The lower fixed point (ice point) is taken as 0°C and the upper fixed point (steam point) is taken as 100°C Bet


HEAT BLOG 2  Dear students welcome .  This is our second class on the chapter HEAT  I MPORTANT- KINDLY MARK YOUR  ATTENDANCE  ON THIS BLOG WITH A GREETING. DO NOT FORGET TO MENTION YOUR NAME AND ROLL NUMBER. You will need :  A SINGLE LINED NOTEBOOK WHICH IS NEATLY COVERED. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE USED THE INDEX AND WRITTEN TODAY'S DATE. THE NOTEBOOK WILL BE EVALUATED SO KINDLY MAKE SURE YOU DO ALL YOUR WORK NEATLY. At the end of this lesson you will be able to  Explain why heat is a relative term  Define Temperature  Name the device used to measure temperature  Name the different temperature scales  Let us discuss another activity today: You can definitely try this at home later Take three bowls:  Bowl A, Bowl B and Bowl C  Fill them with ice cold water, luke warm water and hot water (bearable) respectively. Dip your right hand into ice cold water and your left hand into hot water  (make sure you won't get burnt). Now dip both the han


HEAT BLOG 1  Dear students Good morning!. Thank you for logging in.  This is our first class for this chapter Heat For today's lesson : You will need : A SINGLE LINED NOTEBOOK WHICH IS NEATLY COVERED. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MADE AN INDEX AND WRITTEN TODAY'S DATE. THE NOTEBOOK WILL BE EVALUATED SO KINDLY MAKE SURE YOU DO ALL YOUR WORK NEATLY. SUGGESTION: YOU COULD USE  A  BLACK  PEN TO WRITE QUESTIONS   AND A   BLUE  PEN FOR THE ANSWERS.   DRAW A LINE AFTER EVERY ANSWER.   *Important Kindly mark your attendance on this blog with a greeting. Do not forget to mention your name and roll number. LEARNING OUTCOMES: HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED......  WHAT IS HEAT  ??? Let's start with an activity: Try rubbing your hands together vigorously (with a lot of strength) What do you feel? Your hands feel warm! Now for the next activity  DO NOT PERFORM THIS  , just think about it. If a nail is hammered into a

FORESTS (POST -10) ( assessment test -Food)

HELLO BOYS PLEASE TAKE 15 MINUTES TO DO THE ASSESSMENT GIVEN BELOW. CLICK ON THE LINK AND IT WILL OPEN. -CHOOSE YOUR SECTION AND WRITE THE EMAIL . -ENTER YOUR NAME -ATTEMPT ALL 10 MCQ QUESTIONS .  CLICK ON -SUBMIT We have finally completed our lesson. I hope you are thorough with it. Let us take one more day to revise and revisit all the previous blogs for the lesson and ask the following questions to ourselves Are you able to: ( REVISE THE FOLLOWING ORALLY ) 1. Define what forests are. 2. Tabulate different plants into: Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Climbers and Creepers. 3. Classify different trees on the basis of life span into: Annuals, Biennials and Perennials. 4. Describe the Layers of a Forest. 5. List down the importance of Forests in our life. 6. Define Producers and Consumers and relate them in a FOOD CHAIN. 7. Interrelate food chains into FOOD WEBS. 8. Describe the interdependence of pl

lesson -forest (post 9)

HELLO BOYS WORKSHEET   ( Please copy the worksheet in your science notebook and  solve it) 1. Fill in the blanks: - ____________________ is a system comprising various plants, animals and micro-organisms. In a forest, ___________________ forms the uppermost layer followed by shrubs. Forests are the______________________ for the forest dwelling communities. Forest_____________________________ is dark in color due to the presence of humus. Wide variety of animals help ____________________ to grow & regenerate. ________________________convert the dead plants and animals to humus. Forest serve as__________________________ and water purifying system in nature. 2. Very short answer type questions i. What do we call to the branched part of a tree above the stem? ii. Name the sequence of living organisms in which one eats another. iii. What name is given to the different horizontal layers created by different types and sizes of trees. iv. Which part of the fore

lesson-Forest ( post -8)

Hello boys!! As we have completed our lesson let us do an activity. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Go to this link       Read about  Australian Bush Fires Watch this video on  Amazon Forest Fires Write a Case Study of similar forest fires in your country in not more than 100 words and submit. ( You write in an A4 sheet or put it on Word and print later.) 2. Please revisit all the earlier blogs for a quick revision.