30 APRIL 2020 HEAT BLOG 3 CLASS 7 SCIENCE Good morning class.Thank you for logging in, this is the third blog on the chapter HEAT. Hope you went through yesterdays concepts and are thorough with them. I MPORTANT- KINDLY MARK YOUR ATTENDANCE ON THIS BLOG WITH A GREETING. DO NOT FORGET TO MENTION YOUR NAME AND ROLL NUMBER. You will need : A SINGLE LINED NOTEBOOK WHICH IS NEATLY COVERED. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE USED THE INDEX AND WRITTEN TODAY'S DATE. THE NOTEBOOK WILL BE EVALUATED SO KINDLY MAKE SURE YOU DO ALL YOUR WORK NEATLY. At the end of this lesson you will be able to Enlist the features of the Celsius scale Enlist and explain the different parts of a lab thermometer. Explain how to use a lab thermometer LET'S BEGIN A FEW POINTS ABOUT THE CELSIUS SCALE Was designed by Anders Celsius The lower fixed point (ice point) is...