
Showing posts from March, 2020

lesson-food (POST 4)

Good morning boys!  You have learnt about autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in plants. Plants get their mineral nutrients from the soil. If crops are grown year after year on the same soil, the soil will get poor in such nutrients.  Nitrogen , phosphorus, potassium , magnesium ,calcium are the major nutrients . THINK ABOUT THIS- What happens when soil becomes poor in these nutrients? Does it effect crop yield? ( discuss with an elder in your family) Yes, you got it right! Soil loses its fertility and crop yield falls.  Therefore it is important to replenish these nutrients in the soil. LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THIS CLASS- By the end of this lesson you will be able to- .list ways to replenish nutrients in the soil .distnguish between manure and fertilizer METHODS OF REPLENISHING NUTRIENTS IN THE SOIL 1. By using manure Recollect... Is manure made from remains of dead plants and animals or from chemicals in factories ? 2 .  By using fertilizers like urea  3. By cr

lesson-food (POST 3)

Good morning! Welcome to another class of science. In our last two classes we learnt about autotrophs.  Answer the following questions to recall what you have learnt- 1. Name the gas that plants require for photosynthesis. 2. In what form is food stored in the leaves of a plant. 3. Name the solution that is used to check the presence of starch in a leaf. 4. What imparts green colour to leaves?define heterotrophs LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THIS CLASS By the end of this class you will be able to- .distinguish between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. .distinguish between herbivores,carnivores and omnivores .list the modes of heterotrophic nutrition in plants .give examples of saprophytic ,parasitic , insectivorous plants. . explain the term symbiosis with an example  Today you will learn about Heterotrophs. HETEROTROPHS are organisms which cannot make their own food and depend on others for their food. All animals and humans are heterotrophs. So, the difference between

lesson- food (POST 2)

Good morning boys ! Welcome to the next class of science. In the last class you learnt about photosynthesis and the factors that affect it. TO RECALL WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNT  ,COMPLETE THE VENN DIAGRAM  GIVEN BELOW BY FILLING IN THE CORRECT WORDS IN THE BLANKS, IN YOUR ROUGH NOTEBOOOK LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THIS CLASS By the end of the class you will be able to- .understand the importance of light for photosynthesis .name the solution used to test the presence of starch in a leaf .define the terms- bleaching Today you will learn about some activities that are related to the process of photosynthesis. ACTIVITY -1  -TO SHOW A GREEN PLANT PRODUCES OXYGEN DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS HOTS! 1. Will the hydrilla plant produce oxygen if it is kept in the the dark ? ACTIVITY-2-     TO SHOW THAT SUNLIGHT IS NECESSARY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF  STARCH  IN GREEN LEAVES  DURING PHOTOSYNTHSIS The process of removing green col

lesson-food (POST 1)

Good morning boys! Welcome to the first class of science in class 7.  The lesson we going to study is - Food . We all eat food everyday.  Can you  recollect ,why do we need food? You have learnt in your earlier classes that food contains useful substance that our body needs, which are called  nutrients. The five  nut rients are  carbohydrates, proteins, fats,vitamins and minerals. Each food is rich in one nutrient even though it may contain more than one nutrient. TRY THIS ! Recollect the names of  5 foods that are rich in one nutrient each. For example, rice is rich in carbohydrate, egg is rich in protein. LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THIS CLASS By the end of this class you will be able to - .name the two modes of nutrition in organisms .name the raw materials required for photosynthesis  .write the word equation of photosynthesis .list the factors that effect the rate of photosynthesis We eat food to get energy,which is stored in food materials as chemical energy.  The proces